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 Business as usual is about   to change. 


 Join The Rebellion. Be part of the change. 

We are a community of individuals working towards creating more impactful organizations. 

The Rebellion believes that through more impactful leaders, organizations become more impactful. The more that individuals in decision-making roles are aware of their impact potential, the more decisions are taken considering factors beyond traditional business operations. There is not one way to start, but there is a starting point.


Today we are extending this opportunity to the Bouldering Project community.

If you:

  • are a founder or partner in your organization or;

  • hold a leadership position within your organization;

  • and care about becoming a more impactful leader.


Join The Rebellion and start your Impact Journey.

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We Exist to Ignite Change. 

The Impactful Kind.

The Rebellion emerged as a result of the conviction held by a group of individuals that leaders, in all kinds of organizations, ought to be prudent and attentive to the far-reaching ramifications of their decisions beyond the confines of their businesses. By creating a framework to guide other leaders through their own Impact Journey, the Rebellion strives to influence and support those who take a step towards a more conscious way to operate their business and ultimately, live their lives.

We call them Rebels.  

Are you a Bouldering Project member and want to attend our next Experience? 
We can help. 

& Why It Matters

At The Rebellion, we define Impact as the measurable and meaningful effect or influence that a particular action, event, or phenomenon has on individuals, communities, societies, or the environment. With this definition in mind, we consider Impactful Leaders as those who can inspire and guide others to achieve meaningful and positive outcomes.


An Impactful Leader is someone who leaves a lasting and positive legacy by creating opportunities, empowering others, and making a significant difference in the world. At The Rebellion, we refer to these individuals as "Rebels".

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 Want to Join The Rebellion? 

Start by attending an Experience

Attending a Transformative Immersive Experience (TIE) with The Rebellion is the best way to start your Impact Journey. Check out our upcoming TIE and apply to attend. 

The Rebellion is offering 8 Bouldering Project members a $1000 discount of the full cost of the experience. 


You must have been an active member in the month of May 2023 to redeem this unique opportunity. 

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